In the reading about the swastika, it mentions about how this symbol was used over and over again in ancient times and is still used in rituals in some Eastern and Far Eastern cultures even today. Before Hitler used and tweaked this symbol, it meant "well being", "good fortune", and "luck". Hitler's version was turned on a corner in a diamond orientation rather than the previously used square orientation. Even though when the swastika is not turned on a corner it is not supposed to represent the Nazi party, it is hard for me to get past what it stood for and see it as representing something good.
The article also mentions about how "Hitler's identity system is the most ingeniously consistent graphic program ever devised. That he succeeded in transmuting an ancient symbol with such a long-lasting historical significance into one that was even more indelible is attributable to his mastery of the design and propaganda processes."
The following pictures are ones that I found showing the swastika being used in the past:

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